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Thales Nagato

Game Designer/Programmer/Technical Artist


Open world action RPG made in Unreal Engine 5, made using assets from Quixel, Mixamo and Epic. Base classes written in C++ with design variables accessible via blueprint.

Character class written in C++ using Unreal's enhanced input system. Foot IK made using animation blueprint and IK bones.

Project 1

Landscape material that blends between different textures and color variations to eliminate tiling from Quixel Megascans.

Project 1

Project version controlled using GIT LFS and hosted on Azure DevOps. Code properly refactored for readibility and reusability.

Actor destruction done using geometry collections and chaos fields. Used in the game to hide treasure in pots.

Weapon collision done using box collider on sword and box trace to get the exact position of the hit to spawn SFX.

Datamosh Shader

Datamosh compute shader made for Advanced Topics in Game Art course. Replicates artifacts caused by video compression.

First prototype of the datamosh shader created was created in the material editor. Made using scene capture 2D and by disabling the clearing of the GBuffer. Ended up with a shader that replicates artrifacts caused by data corruption.

Project 1

Research into the niche topic of datamoshing, especially in games. Most resources on the scene view extension were outdated.

Project 1

Write weekly devlogs and present them to the professor. The hardest part to figure out was how to access the velocity texture.

Using the depth texture as a mask to create a datamosh depth of field. Without clamping the mask, close up actors get blown out.

Using custom depth-stencil pass to mask out specific actors from the shader. Setting the stencil value to negative will also cause a blown out effect.


Gears of War Inspired map in Lyra for Applications of Level Design course. Playable against bots and players over LAN.

Level built using FAB and Quixel Megascans. Infinite extent post process added to imitate Gears of War color grading.

Project 1

Gather references for both the design and setting of level. Combine best practices from a variety of different shooter maps.

Project 1

Diagram and plan out routes first. Layout map in order to promote intended story beats.

Project 1

Rapidly design grey box prototypes using cube grid tool. Run playtests and iterate based on the feedback.

Project 1

Once the core design is solid, start populating level with art assets. Create packed level instances for repeated asset groups to better optimize level.

Troubled Waters

Rhythm game made for the Brackeys 2024.2 game jam. I was the lead programmer for our team.

Early prototypes had the waves visualize the audio but this was a bit hectic so we opted for a sine wave instead.

Project 1

Conductor script would keep track of the beats while the note spawner script spawned them in, designer variables were public in Unity to allow for rapid creation of notes.

Project 1

Building to WebGL caused the notes to not line up perfectly anymore. So more buffer was added to allow for less precise inputs.

Project 1

We ended up placing 577 out of 1490 entries and we even got in the top 200 for audio!

Project 1

But by far the best part was reading all the comments. People were so kind and it really made all the hard work worth it.

Fruit Brawl

Game jam game for Sheridan's design week, the theme was microgames like Warioware. All the finished games were going to be put in arcade cabinets at Sheridan for people to play.

Project 1

Believe it or not the original idea of this game actually started out as sumo mud wrestling but that was out of our scope so we simplified it to just fruit as they are easier to model and texture.

Created prototype and playtested to see is the idea was viable and worth workin on. Even with just the simple gameplay and visuals it was engaging and conveyed the idea of sumo wrestling.

Project 1

For this game jam we worked together with the students from the Music Scoring for Screen and Stage program. We put our requests in and they filled them, having sound effects really added to the juice of the game.

Project 1

What really helped us be successful is that we were constantly playtesting, running multiple playtests with students and professors each day. This helped us find out what the problems were early on while there was still time to fix them.

It was so rewarding to play the finished game on the arcade machines and it was even better watching people have a blast playing it!


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Project 1
Project 1

When I'm not making games I love staying active, whether it be hitting the gym, biking, skateboarding or anything that gets me moving, especially when it's with friends. I always like to be learning something new whether it be the guitar, how to do a handstand or a new language. There's so much great art out there that it's hard to stick to just one medium to experience, so I keep a good balance of what I read, watch, listen and play. Taking the best from each medium and applying it to my own craft. In the end, I hope to create out of a love of creation itself.

Project 1